Resources For Writers

Greetings, fellow writers! On this page you’ll find some of my favorite resources I’ve consulted over the years to improve my writing craft and help me on the road to publication. I hope you find them useful!

Please keep in mind this list is subjective and by no means exhaustive. I plan to update it from time-to-time as I make new discoveries, so be sure to check back on occasion.

And when in doubt, just remember: writing is a marathon, not a sprint. The world needs your story, so don’t ever give up on your dreams!

Best of luck on your writing journey,


The Craft of Writing

Here are some of my favorite resources and books on writing:

Publishing 101

So you want to share your writing with the world but you’re not sure where to start? From self publishing to small presses to “Big Five” publishers, there are many paths you can take to publication. For a comprehensive overview, check out Jane Friedman’s article “The Key Book Publishing Paths 2021-2022” as a phenomenal place to start.

Querying Agents

You’ve finished your book baby, you’re looking to get traditionally published with a large or mid-size press, and you’re ready to query literary agents. Huzzah! Now, where to begin? Here are a few resources to help as you dive into the querying trenches:

The Book Deal

You’ve landed an agent and signed a contract with a publisher…now what? I highly recommend reading Before and After the Book Deal: A Writer’s Guide to Finishing, Publishing, Promoting, and Surviving Your First Book by Courtney Maum.

For Young Writers

Looking for a one-stop-shop list of resources for skills development, online courses, college scholarships for writers, possible career paths, publishing, and more? Check out this article: The Money Saving Guide for Authors and Writers (shout out to Anna for the suggestion!).

Looking Inward

Finally, here are some books that I’ve found personally instrumental in helping me overcome imposter syndrome and cultivate a stronger mental game. Because believing in yourself—and your ability to improve and grow as a writer—is half the battle!

Ahoy, authors! Do you have any writing resources you’d recommend that aren’t on my list? Shoot me a message via the Contact page and let me know!
